The Hearing Loss Association of Delaware (HLADE) New Castle County Circle Chat!
Topic of the Month: “Hearing Loss Through the Seasons-Stuffy Ears??!!”
Why our ears may feel clogged or stuffy at times and what you can do about it!
When? Thursday, November 10th from10-11:15 am
Where? Newark Senior Center (NSC) Classroom#1
200 Whitechapel Rd, Newark, DE 19711
302-737-2336 (V/Relay711)
Our thanks to the NSC for making our Meeting Room hearing accessible with a hearing loop!!!!
Our next meeting in Newark is December 8th and join us for a holiday luncheon in a local restaurant! Check out our statewide meeting flyer attached!
HLADE is thankful for all its members, friends and supporters!:)
We look forward to welcoming you & thanks for your support! Bring a friend or family member!
For more info: Email: or call cell: (302) 388-9459 (text/Relay711)or
A state office of the Hearing Loss Association of America
FacebooK Group Name: Deaf and Hard of Hearing Delaware Connect
Our Mission: HLADE gives help and hope to Deaf and Hard of Hearing People!