Jury rules in favor of Nebraska company in EEOC case over policy regarding deaf driver

Gavel - hammer like, used in court of law
source - https://www.publicdomainpictures.net/en/view-image.php?image=161580&picture=judge-gavel

A jury in Omaha has found in favor of Werner Enterprises in a lawsuit brought by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission accusing the Omaha-based transportation company of violating the Americans with Disabilities Act for not hiring a Texas driver who is deaf.

Werner’s attorneys successfully argued at trial the decision not to hire Andrew Deuschle was “due to legitimate, non-discriminatory reasons.”

On Friday, at the end of a five-day trial in U.S. District Court of Nebraska in Omaha, the jury deliberated for about an hour and a half before returning a verdict siding with Werner.

Read on at https://journalstar.com/business/local/jury-rules-in-favor-of-nebraska-company-in-eeoc-case-over-policy-regarding-deaf-driver/article_65c66db2-0960-11ee-9f30-e386141477c6.html?fbclid=IwAR2-wJEZHRWhQw_vZSNXYxg1h_sOtlemrUGd4T8fLXaIDA6KVn_MKGJUonw.